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Lake Nasser

Nasser - the reservoir is situated mostly in Egypt and partly in the territory of Sudan. Nasser also called the lake, which was formed by the construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1960 on the River Nile. 


The name of Lake Nasser is named after the Egyptian president, who supervised the construction of the dam in Aswan. Reservoir area has reached 5120 km ², which allowed to freely organize cruise tours on the lake. Journey to Lake Nasser provides the opportunity to visit many of Nubian temples located near the coast, and enjoy the views of the sand dunes on small islands. In addition, Nasser valuable as a fishing ground, as is the habitat of the Nile perch and other freshwater fish. 


The lake Nasser daily flights arrange boats and boat, departing from Aswan and Abu Simbel, running as the river Nile.

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